strength, speed and agility training that directly translates to the baseball field.


Joel Baxley

The Sticks™ Strength program, in partnership with D1 Training Des Moines, emphasizes strength and speed training designed to directly enhance performance on the baseball field while also fostering athlete confidence.


We are committed to providing our athletes with every opportunity and resource necessary to achieve their desired level of baseball proficiency. By assessing each athlete individually, we tailor workouts to facilitate their growth. Our goal extends beyond merely gaining strength; we also emphasize various areas such as speed, acceleration, change of direction, agility, and jumping to cultivate a well-rounded athlete. This comprehensive approach not only enhances physical strength but also fosters mental fortitude. In our program, we design movement patterns that directly align with baseball-specific actions, ensuring that each workout is tailored to the demands of the sport.


  1. Establish a baseline by conducting personalized assessments, including vertical jump, timed sprints, and other evaluations of speed and strength.

  2. Utilize the data gathered from these assessments to identify the specific needs of each athlete and devise a customized pathway to success.

  3. Support athletes throughout their development journey, making necessary adjustments along the way to ensure they reach their goals.


  • Overall strength

  • Sprint time

  • Vertical and horizontal explosiveness (plyometrics) 

  • Balance and flexibility 

  • Mental fortitude and competitiveness 

Sticks strength summer schedule

SPRING Strength Schedule (starts Feb. 3):
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
4:15-5:15 pm or 5:15-6:15 pm